Micro greens


Microgreen - Microgreen cultivation

Microgreens, also known as micro greens, are the next big thing when it comes to edible plants. Microgreens are young plants and herbs that can be eaten once the cotyledons have developed, even if the plants are not yet fully developed. Mini-greens can be harvested 1-2 weeks after germination and include both the rhizome and leaves, but not the radicle, which is left in the growing medium/soil.

The mini plants have a delicious aromatic flavour and the nutrient content is much more concentrated than in the growing plants. These mini plants come in many different colours and textures. Microgreens are considered to be baby plants, which fall between fresh sprouts and baby greens/mini greens.

However, this does not mean that microgreens are the same as sprouts, which do not have true leaves. Sprouts have a shorter growth cycle of about 2-7 days compared to microgreens, whereas microgreens can usually be harvested after about 7-21 days after germination, when the plant's true cotyledons have emerged. After about 7-21 days, the plant has achieved the same flavour as the finished vegetable, e.g. broccoli or peas.

Trays for growing microgreens

To get the most out of your microgreen cultivation, you may want to use some microgreen trays. The trays have the advantage of providing the optimal growing conditions for your micro plants, including the perfect drainage of excess water so the seeds and tiny soft roots don't rot or mould in your microgreens.

Host Plantelys.dk trays are available in many different versions. The low 25 mm trays are suitable for small plants such as broccoli or radishes, whereas larger plants such as pea sprouts should have high 35 mm trays that better support the tall, thin plants.

Microgreen food and fertiliser for microgreens

If you're growing microgreens, the roots of the sprouts should have something to hold the plant firmly as the plants grow. There are several good options, such as Cocos fibre, bamboo, hemp mats, fibre mats, sphagnum, rockwool and specially designed planting trays with netting.

But many also choose to experiment with paper towels, cotton wool, paper and garden soil. However, using garden soil/organic seed soil is not recommended as it contains bacteria and other harmful substances that can contaminate and destroy plants and make them inedible.

Organic seeds for microgreens

Before you can start growing microgreens, you need to acquire a lot of seeds. It's important to choose organic seeds, as virtually all seeds available in the supermarket are usually treated with a fungicide that is toxic to humans.

Commercial sales of equipment and seeds for microgreen production

Contact us when purchasing larger quantities of equipment, Light to microgreen, starter packs or organic seeds for microgreen production.