Pre-sprouting – Guides and tips for beautiful plants
Get an early start on pre-germination
Pre-sprouting plants indoors can provide many benefits, including better control over light conditions, an earlier start to the season, protection from pests and diseases, and a financial benefit from growing your own plants from seed. Overall, pre-germination can be a good investment in your plant growing.
Read in this blog about how to germinate, what you need to be successful and beautiful plants.
How to pre-sprout tomatoes: 5 Step Guide
Are you completely green when it comes to growing your own tomato plants and want to learn how to get tomato seeds to germinate
Pre-germination in seed trays - your guide
What is a seed tray? A germination tray is a type of tray. Specifically designed to pre-germinate seeds, it is a type of pre-germination setup.
What is the best grow light for indoor pre-germination?
If you've recently researched the grow light market. You may have observed a wide range of artificial light sources (grow lights) for plants. These light sources are available
Pre-germination: The essential guide to pre-germinating plants
Plants play an important role in our everyday lives and can bring life and colour into our homes. How to start growing your own