Micro greens


Mikrogrønt – microgreen dyrkning

Welcome to our category for micro green! Here you'll find everything you need to get started growing microgreens - the small, nutrient-rich plants that are perfect for adding colour, flavour and nutrition to your dishes. We have a wide selection of organic seeds, grow lights, trays, growing media and other equipment to ensure your growing success.

Organic seeds for microgreens

Our organic microgreen seeds ensures you grow healthy and natural microgreens without harmful chemicals. We offer seeds from many different plants, including radishes, sunflower, beetroot and broccoliall known for their high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. By using organic seeds, you not only get high-quality microgreens, but also contribute to more sustainable and environmentally friendly growing practices.

Grolys til mikrogrønt

To ensure optimal growth and a high nutrient content, it's important to provide your microgreen plants with the right lighting. We offer a selection of grow light specifically designed for microgreen cultivation. Our LED grow lights are energy efficient and provide the full-spectrum light your plants need to grow fast, full and healthy.

Bakker og gromedier

Microgreens are best grown in specialised growing trays that ensure optimal drainage and ventilation. We offer different types of microgreen trays for all your needs - from large trays to smaller, compact solutions that fit perfectly on a windowsill or small balcony. For microgreen growing, you can also use different growing media, including coconut mould and specially developed soil to provide the best conditions for your sprouts to thrive.

Alt udstyr til microgreen dyrkning

At PlanteLys.dk you'll find everything you need to succeed with microgreen cultivation - from starter kits to more advanced equipment. We have sprouting trays, LED grow lights, growing media and organic seeds, as well as microgreen starter packs, so you can grow microgreens easily and efficiently at home. Microgreens are not only easy to grow, but they're also a great way to add nutrients to your daily diet.

Fordele ved mikrogrønt

Microgreens are known to be rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can improve your health and well-being. It's also easy to grow all year round, even in small spaces like a windowsill or small kitchen counter. With our extensive range of equipment and organic seeds, you can create your own healthy microgreen plants with minimal effort and maximum effect.

Sådan dyrker du mikrogrønt – enkelt og nemt

Er du klar til at komme i gang med at dyrke dit eget micro green? Det kræver kun få trin at dyrke mikrogrønt derhjemme:

  1. Forbered bakken: Fyld en dyrkningsbakke med et tyndt lag gromedie, som kokosmuld eller jord.
  2. Sow the seeds: Spred frøene jævnt ud, og tryk dem let ned i gromediet.
  3. Hold fugtigt: Spray med vand dagligt og dæk bakken, indtil frøene spirer (2-3 dage).
  4. Sæt lys på: Fjern dækslet, og placer bakken under LED-grolys for optimal vækst.
  5. Harvest: Klip spirerne efter 7-14 dage, skyl dem, og nyd dem i dine retter!

Besøg vores webshop og se vores Selection of microgreen equipment. From grow lights to growing trays, we offer everything to get you started on your journey to growing your own fresh and nutritious microgreens!