Full Spectrum plant light 100Watt
- Balanced grow light spectrum for plants
- Super powerful grow light – PPFD: 750 μmol/m2*S
New research shows that plants grown under white full-spectrum growth diodes get taller and stronger shoots, as well as stronger roots. Lettuce plants become crisper and have a nicer plant shape when they are grown under white LED grow lights. Vegetables such as tomatoes, chillies, peppers etc. gets a deeper and stronger flavor under white green light compared to under violet/pink light.
- Balanced light spectrum for seedlings and growing plants
- For plants with high light needs (tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers)
- For plants with low light needs (green vegetables and herbs)
- Heavy PPF: 470 micromoles per second.
- Low energy consumption/LED technology with low heat
- Long life
Illuminated growing area: (Distance = Area)
- 0.5 M = 0.6 m2 (Light-demanding growing plants)
- 1.0 M = 1.5 m2 (Maximum distance for growing plants that do not require light)
- 1-1.5 M = 2.5 m2 (Seed plants / wintering of non-light-requiring plants)
Light output:
- 30cm = 750 μmol/m2 S
- 50 cm = 300 μmol/m2 S
- 100cm = 75 μmol/m2 S